Dumping Ground: Hypha HQ, London, 2024
Curated by Noëlle Turner, Mariette Moor and Andrew Kernan
->press: reviewed in Timeout by Eddy Frankel
Dumping Ground presents twelve artists whose practices create new fictions or realities through the recycling of unwanted material, both physical and psychological. The exhibition has been turned into an immersive installation: the windows have been blocked off, covered in wads of cotton, and strange lighting coats the surfaces. Within the space, a graveyard of discarded matter has become a harvest for fertile life and mutation: walls sweat and swell as objects itch to redefine themselves; a man’s head becomes a CD drive, and insects litter the room. Dumping Ground asks, what happens to repressed things when left to rot? Images and objects are regurgitated, fused and multiplied. Walls are fractured, a bone is dislocated, and in its place grows something else, some kind of fungus undiagnosed.
Federico Arani
Sofia Bordin
Malcolm Bradley
Ali Glover
Andrew Kernan
Vladimir Lalic
Eden McDowell
Mariette Moor
Joe Moss
George Richardson
Chris Thompson
Noëlle Turner
Orsola Zane